Amenities - The daily living is made comfortable.

Glass top gas stove packed with safety features

Glass top gas stove

Easily wipe clean for simple daily cleaning. The glass top also looks beautiful so your kitchen looks nice as well.

Optional three-burner IH cooking heater

Optional three-burner IH cooking heater

The heat-resistant tempered glass is equipped with a well-designed glass touch operation panel. It allows for comfortable cooking with an interconnected ventilation unit.

Convenient handheld shower-type faucet for easy rinsing

handheld shower-type faucet

Pull out the hose and use the handheld shower-type faucet when you want to rinse out the whole sink or fill large vases with water.

Accent panel-equipped bathroom

Accent panel-equipped bathroom

An accent panel on the bathroom wall creates a soothing space to wash away the day's fatigue.

Always comfortable auto-bath


Easily adjust the water depth, keep water warm, reheat, or add water with the touch of a button. Remote controls are set up in both the bathroom and kitchen.

Spacious, easy-to-use bathroom sink

bathroom sink

The large sink catches water that would usually drip off your arms and onto the floor. Easily wash your face without worrying about splashing.

Bidet/Toilet with built-in sink

Bidet/Toilet with built-in sink

Equipped with a sink for washing hands. The comfortable system has a bidet system packed with features.

Walk-in closets with spacious storage capacity in all units

All units are equipped with walk-in closet spaces. They are excellent for storing bulky seasonal clothing.

High-quality flooring with excellent sound insulation

All units have high-quality sound insulating flooring in consideration for your upstairs and downstairs neighbors.

24-hour ventilation for breathable air indoors

24-hour ventilation

The system brings in fresh air from outdoors and blows out dirty air from indoors. Reduce condensation and mold and keep indoor air clean year-round.

Air conditioners in all units

All units come equipped with air conditioners with the latest features in the living room and main bedroom so you can live comfortably.

BS and CS satellite broadcasting for the era of multi-channel programming

Enjoy a variety of programs suited to your interests - movies, music, sports, and more.
* Requires a digital television or tuner.* Some programs may not be available. Please contact us for more information.

Optical fiber for high-speed, high-capacity Internet

Optical fiber for high-speed, high-capacity Internet

Enjoy the Internet on high-speed lines.
* Additional application required for use. Please contact us for more information.

Now accepting reservations

Please contact the Re-Comforty Nagano Station East Sales Reception Office to make an inquiry.

Call  045-470-3214


Business hours/AM10:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Regular holiday/Tuesday・Wednesday